Jixi Skating Stadium and Fitness
Center Design
规模:53,833 ㎡
Location:Heilongjiang, Jixi, China
Size:53,833 ㎡
Type:Public Building Design
Status: Concept Design

将抽象转为实体,以滑冰的速度感勾勒出力量曲线,并将力量曲线进行扩大与变形,体现于体育场馆形体设计。力量曲线融合大地宝藏意象,完美形塑一座速度与宝石结合的建筑形体。通过光伏系统,自然采光, 雨水收集, 二氧化碳制冷剂 ( 制冷产热), 红外线节能加热器, 去碳技术, 碳捕获涂料, 节能交通工具等措施,在设计中践行可持续发展的理念。
What is contemporary sportsmanship? How can sportsmanship be mutually supportive with urban development?
We believe that the Sport Architecture of the new era needs to have its own expression, reflecting the comprehensive charms of power, speed and technology.The development trend of large sports facilities - going beyond the limitions of a single functional type and architectural paradigm; integrating multiple urban facilities and creating new landmarks in the city.In recent years, with the rise of the national fitness boom and rapid urban development, the boundaries between large sport facilities and public facilities have been blurred. Enhancing urban competitiveness with large scale sports facilities and integrating public space with the theme of sports has become an important issue in planning and design.
Project Design:
We transform abstraction into solidity. Outline the Velocity Curve with skating dynamic imagery. Then we expand and deform the Velocity Curve ,and embody it in the design of stadium form. Finally we merge the impression of Velocity Curve and the Treasures of Earth to create an architectural form that combines the concept of speed and gemstone. And by using Photovoltaics System, Natural Lighting, Rainwater Collection, Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant, Infrared heater, Carbon Removal Technology, Carbon-Capturing Paint, Energy-saving transportation,we express our idea of sustainable in the design.
Comparison Project:
We extract the shape of Treasures of Earth and blend into the site like a sprinkling of treasures. The treasures are connected by Velocity Curve to create the final stadium building form.